Saturday, November 07, 2009

Thankfulness ~ November 7

Whew, busy week so I'm behind. Here are my Thankful thoughts for the week.

November 3, I was thankful I didn't have any obligations to attend to!

November 4, I was thankful Sara did so well at her dance class. The moves are really starting to click.

November 5, I was thankful a potentially serious concern at work was resolved meaning less work for me.

November 6, I was thankful for the extra time spent snuggling with Sara and gabbing about the day before she went to sleep.

November 7, I am thankful for a great day with Scott including hockey practice, scouts outing and a great hockey game where he did a great job on the ice and had a fabulous time!!!


Anonymous said...
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Megan, Life Revamped said...

...jus' hopping by to mingle! i love your post!
